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Hydrogen Process Safety

Hydrasun’s design safety process ensures that all the relevant parties consider all aspects of the design to confirm that the project outputs can be assembled, operated, maintained and deconstructed in a safe manner.

The design safety approach ensures that:

  • potential hazards are identified and eliminated where reasonably practical.
  • risks are managed.
  • design reviews are completed.
  • change is minimised following design release.

The design safety process will achieve predictable outcomes, reduce re-work and reduce the risk of errors or incidents during the fabrication, construction, commissioning, and operational activities.

The process:

  • ensures that the design safety basis for the project is clear and defined such that the project meets the design criteria.
  • manages the design and design change process.
  • manages project risk.
  • adopts hazard identification methods HAZOP, HAZCON, 3D modelling, BIM standards, etc.
  • uses a quantitative risk assessment technique, if applicable, e.g. LOPA, to determine the functional safety level and the need for safety instrumented functions.
  • captures design and safety information in a Health and Safety File.
  • ensures designs are in accordance with the Construction Design and Management (CDM) 2015 regulations.

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